07 September 2010

New news

Polo has been happening on Thursday nights and Sundays as of late here in the Red Stick.

Thursdays - 8:30 or 9:00 PM, 17th and Laurel. It is actually a pretty nice spot!

Sundays - concrete time still TBD - under I-110 @ America St.

3-2-1 GO!!!!

06 August 2010


Alot has happened since last update.

Paradise is no more. The residents complained to BREC and BREC discontinued our allowance to use the tennis courts at Parkview Park.

Mark L. moved to Seattle after a fun day of polo and party at the TAJ Mahal.

Polo is now in a state of WTF here in Baton Rouge.

We need a place to play that is lit at night that people won't fuck with us. Any suggestions should be emailed to brbikepolo@gmail.com

We also need to come up with a day that we can play on a weekly basis. I say Sundays or Wednesday nights. Again, suggestions sent to brbikepolo@gmail.com

Let's hear what's up, BROLO.

04 May 2010

Parkview Park Location AKA Paradise

Rosanne wanted me to share the following with you:

I just got this email from Jason at BREC regarding the Parkview location:

Give me a day/time that you would like to secure to make this more permanent. I will be getting
signs made that will state the closure of tennis courts for bike polo at these times.

If you like the idea, could you please post the message to the blogger blog so that we can get a consensus on what day and time we want, if we want a day?

So, here it is!!!

check it

Check out this link to my other blog. Just trying to spread the info.


02 May 2010


Baton Rouge bike polo happens every Tuesday at Parkview Park.

Parkview Park is located on the frontage road east of Airline Hwy just north of Goodwood Blvd.

15 March 2010

3 - 2 - 1 - GO!!!!!!!!!!!

For the second weekend in a row, we have had beautiful weather and some awesome polo!

Play lasted about 5 hours yesterday. There was pizza and beer, blood and mechanical failures, and lots of help getting the boards out to and back from the courts.

I think that the meet at the Taj Mahal before going to Tina's House of Pain is a good thing. Let's keep that up for this coming weekend. Meet around noon, play by one.

01 March 2010


Let's play polo this weekend, Baton Rouge. I'll create a facebook event since that's the only way you guys communicate. Polo is too much fun to not play. Plus, the Saints season is over so now we can play! See you this weekend!


Upcoming polo events:

Tuba is going to go to LSU and the city to find us a place to play that is lit and covered and has a storage facility that we can utilize nearby for boards. We need to make this happen if we are ever going to play enough to get to a truly competitive level.

April 3-5: Lexington Polo Invitational - Chris from Lexington invited Baton Rouge to this tourny. If anyone can go on the first weekend of spring break, let me know so we can start forming teams and practicing.

July 16-18: North American Championships - This will be fun. Madison, WI is a great biking town. You would all have a blast there. Let's make a week and a half journey out of this and visit cities on the way up. Memphis, Lexington, Indianapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis are all within reach.... Let's do it!!!